
Measurement of outdoor and recirculated air percentages by carbon dioxide tracer

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Section: Articles
Title: Measurement of outdoor and recirculated air percentages by carbon dioxide tracer / Robert OlcerstAuthor: Olcerst, Robert
Notes: Sumario: This article presents a technique to extend the utility of carbon dioxide dataloggers, such as the Metrosonic Aq-501, to provide information on the percentages of both outside aire and recirculated air in a ventilated compartment. An electronic timed sampling valve is used to alternately collect air from the room supply and from the recirculating airstream. The timed valve provides a dataset for each location that can be used to calculate the percentages of outside and recirculated air. The technique uses ambient carbon dioxide as a natural tracer gas. The carbon dioxide tracer technique can be used when the psychometric temperature method for calculating outside air percentage is indeterminate because the return air and outdoor air temperatures are equalRelated records: En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Fairfax, Virginia. - Vol. 55, nº 6, June 1994 ; p. 525-528Materia / lugar / evento: Higiene industrial Contaminantes químicos Dióxido de carbono Contaminación atmosférica Ventilación Sistemas de ventilación Métodos de análisis Secondary titles: Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal
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