
Adsorption prediction of binary mixtures on adsorbents used in respirator cartridges and air-sampling monitors

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Section: Articles
Title: Adsorption prediction of binary mixtures on adsorbents used in respirator cartridges and air-sampling monitors / Nader Vahdat, Peter M. Swearengen, James S. JohnsonAuthor: Vahdat, Nader
Notes: Sumario: The purpose of this study was to develop a semiempirical model that can predict the performance of adsorbents in the presence of binary vapor mixtures from single-component adsorption capacity data. This model will be a useful tool to occupational health care professionals in evaluating the performance of organic vapor cartridges and air-sampling monitors. For example, health care professionals can determine the service life of respirator cartridges or the safe sampling period for air monitors in the presence of binary mixtures using the adsorption isotherms for pure organic compoundsRelated records: En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Akron, Ohio. - Vol. 55, nº 10, October 1994 ; p. 909-917Materia / lugar / evento: Higiene industrial Equipos de protección individual Equipos respiratorios Vapores orgánicos Modelos matemáticos Ensayos Sistemas informáticos Otros autores: Swearengen, Peter M.
Johnson, James S.
Secondary titles: Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal
Other categories: 872