
Performance of painting booths equipped with down-draft ventilation

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Section: Articles
Title: Performance of painting booths equipped with down-draft ventilation / Nicole GoyerAuthor: Goyer, Nicole
Notes: Sumario: A study to evaluate the performance criteria of painting booths equipped with down-draft ventilation investigated 15 painting booths, studying 5 groups of characteristics: configuration of booths, ventilation parameters, environmental conditions, and contaminant levels. Results demonstrated the potential for significant occupational exposure to isocyanates and the existence of significant variations in the ability of down-draft ventilation systems to eliminate these contaminantsRelated records: En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Akron, Ohio. - Vol. 56, nº 3, March 1995 ; p. 258-265Materia / lugar / evento: Higiene industrial Pinturas Ventilación Sistemas de ventilación Calidad del aire Control de contaminantes Toxicología Valores TLV Secondary titles: Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal
Other categories: 872