
Fires in the food industry

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Catchpole, Liz
Fires in the food industry / Liz Catchpole
Sumario: This study investigates the causes of serius fires in food processing factories and examines current thinking on how to prevent them. There's a table that it shows the number, causes and losses of major fires in the food industry recorded by the FPA since 1992. The fire reports highlitght that overheating during the production process, arson, careless hot work operations and electrical faults are the main causes of fire. The buildings'structures, frequently with large uncompartmented production areas lacking automatic sprinklers and incorporating combustible-cored insulation panels, often add to the fire risk
En: Fire prevention. - London. - nº 285, December 1995 ; p. 21-25
1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Industria alimentaria . 3. Incendios . 4. Causas de los incendios . 5. Estadísticas . I. Title. II. Título: Fire prevention.