
Churches : a burning issue

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Lees, Chris
Churches : a burning issue / Chris Lees and Ian Wainwright
Sumario: The risks which churches represent would to many insurers in the normal commercial environment seem unattractive. They are often in isolated locations, are uneoccupied for long periods and, during such periods, are left wide open for members of the public to come and go to will. In addition there are considerable amounts of combustible materials in the contents as well as in the building construction both of which would assist any would-be arsonists
En: Fire prevention. - London. - nº 284, November 1995 ; p. 14-17
1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Iglesias . 3. Materiales de construcción . 4. Arsonismo . 5. Organización de la seguridad . 6. Gestión de la prevención . 7. Gran Bretaña . I. Wainwright, Ian . II. Title. III. Título: Fire prevention.