
Standardized task strain and system response times in human-computer interaction

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Standardized task strain and system response times in human-computer interaction / M. Thum... [et al.]
Sumario: Involuntary delays in human-computer interaction, for example, system response times can increase stress. In the present study, 40 college-age subjects were randomly divided into an 'incentive' and a 'non incentive' group. Subjects performed a computer task with SRTs of 0.5, 1.5 and 4.5s. Physiological, subjective, and performance data were collected during the task
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 38, nº 7, July 1995 ; p. 1342-1351
1. Ergonomía . 2. Sistema hombre-máquina . 3. Ordenadores . 4. Estrés . 5. Psicofisiología . I. Thum, M. . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.