
Work related impairment of nasal function in Swedish woodwork teachers

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Section: Articles
Title: Work related impairment of nasal function in Swedish woodwork teachers / Mats Ahman... [et al.]
Notes: Sumario: The aim of this paper is to study the relation between exposure and nasal function in woodwork teachers. The woodwork teachers had mainly reversible nasal complaints, imapired nasal mucociliary clearance and olfactory function related to the work environment, with dust concentrations below the Swedish threshold limit value of 2 mg/m3Related records: En: Occupational and environmental medicine. - London and Margate. - Vol. 53, nº 2, February 1996 ; p. 112-117Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Enfermedades respiratorias Vías respiratorias Polvo Maderas Otros autores: Ahman, Mats
Secondary titles: Título: Occupational and environmental medicine
Other categories: 873