
Dymanic competitive strategy : towards a multi-perspective conceptual framework

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Shay, Jeffrey P.
Dymanic competitive strategy : towards a multi-perspective conceptual framework / Jeffrey P. Shay and Frank T. Rothaermel
Strategic managers face a myriad of challenges due to the rapid nature of change and increasing complexity of today's competitive environment. Although literature in the field of strategic management has offered many perspectives on how to meet these challenges, managers today would benefit from strategic analysis tools that foster an understanding of the competitive environment from multiple perspectives. This paper provides insights into the synergistic nature of competing strategic analysis perspectives and offers an integrated model that not only synthesises the most prominent perspectives but also captures the dynamic nature of today's competitive environment
En: Long range planning. - Oxford [etc.]. - nº 6, December 1999 ; p. 559-572
1. Management estratégico . 2. Estrategia empresarial . 3. Análisis estratégico . 4. Competitividad . 5. Dinámica empresarial . I. Rothaermel, Frank T. . II. Title. III. Título: Long range planning.