
The Dangers of social responsability

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Levitt, Theodore
The Dangers of social responsability / by Theodore Levitt
In the end business has only two responsibilies - to obey the elementary canons of everyday face-to-face civility (honesty, good faith, and so on) and to seek material again. The fact that it is the butt of demagogical critics is no reason for management to lose its nerve -to buckle under to reformers- lest more severe restrictions emerge to throttle business completely. Even today, most American critics want only to curb capitalism, not to destroy it. The comtemporay school of business morality seems intent on adding its own caveat to that unhappy consequence. The gospel of tranquility is a soporific. Instead of fighting for its survival by means of a series of strategic retreats masquerading as industrial statesmanship, business must fight as if it were at war
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - September-October 1958 ; p. 41-50
1. Responsabilidad social de la empresa . 2. Ética empresarial . 3. Responsabilidad de los administradores . I. Title. II. Título: Harvard Business Review.