
The Use of modular organizational forms : an industry-level analysis

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Schilling, Melissa A.
The Use of modular organizational forms : an industry-level analysis / Melissa A. Schilling and H. Kevin Steensman
In many industries, integrated hierarchical organizations have been replaced by nonhierarchical entities that are permeable, interconnected, and modular. Other industries, however, maintain relatively high levels of integration. We use the logic of general systems modulartity to explain why in some industries there is greater use o modular organiational forms
En: Academy of management journal. - [s.l.]. - Vol. 44, nº 6, December 2001 ; p. 1149-1168
1. Organización . 2. Industrias . 3. Management . I. Steensman, H. Kevin . II. Title. III. Título: Academy of management review.