
Non-hodgkin's lymphomas and organic solvents

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Non-hodgkin's lymphomas and organic solvents / Marco Antônio Vasconcelos Rêgo... [et al]
Organic solvents have been suggested as a possible risk factor for non-hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). The objetive of this article is to investigate the association of NHL and occupational exposure to organic solvents in the vicinity of Salvador, State of Bahia, Brazil, the site of the oldest oil refinery of Brazil and a petrochemical complex, which is the largest producer of benzene in Latin America
En: Journal of occupational health and environmental medicine. - Towson, MD. - Vol. 44, nº 9, september 2002 ; p. 874-881
1. Cáncer . 2. Factores de riesgo . 3. Disolventes orgánicos . 4. Refinerías . 5. Industria petrolífera . 6. Benceno . 7. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 8. Medicina laboral . 9. Iberoamérica . I. Vasconcelos Rêgo, Marco Antoniô . II. Title. III. Título: Journal of occupational and environmental medicine.