
Examination of the use of fuzzy sets to describe relative speed perception

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Section: Articles
Title: Examination of the use of fuzzy sets to describe relative speed perception / Mark BrackstoneAuthor: Brackstone, Mark
Notes: In recents years a range of new methods have been proposed with which to describe and evaluate driver behaviour. One such method is that of fuzzy logic, where variables used in the driver decision-making process may be described linguistically, allowing a quantifiable degree of uncertainty to be introduced. The article explores the use of such a formalism to describe the driver perception of closing speed between two vehicle engaged in car-following on a motorway, and by using data from an instrumental vehicle experiment, it test a number of models using relative speed, visual angle and the time to collisionRelated records: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 43, nº 4, April 2000 ; p. 528-542Materia / lugar / evento: Conductores Conducción Percepción Tiempo de reacción Comportamiento humano Psicosociología Seguridad vial Ergonomía Secondary titles: Título: Ergonomics
Other categories: 875