
The Meaning of longevity in centenarians

Marigliano, Vincenzo
The Meaning of longevity in centenarians / by Vincenzo Marigliano, Laura Tafaro and Ilaria Trani
The functional reserves that will be spent during an individual's lifetime are defined by the genome. Recent studies on centenarians and on old age pensioners in general indicate that our genome is programmed to live 120-year life
En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 01/04/2003 Número 2 28 2003 , p. 238-253
1. Esperanza de vida . 2. Mortalidad . 3. Enfermedades . 4. Envejecimiento . 5. Gráficos . 6. Genética . 7. Estadísticas . 8. Proyecciones demográficas . 9. Longevidad . 10. Ageingnomics. Economia senior . I. Tafaro, Laura . II. Trani, Ilaria . III. Title.