
What makes an effective risk manager?

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Section: Articles
Title: What makes an effective risk manager? / by Jean-Paul LouisotAuthor: Louisot, Jean Paul
Notes: Today's risk manager works beyond the organization's boundaries in order to help drive missions, goals and objetives under any stress or surprise. Defining the competencies necessary for this expanded responsibility, however, is no easy task. By combining the core qualifications developed by two nonprofit risk management associations, the author creates a comprehensive checklist for the field's professionals to compare themselves against.Related records: En: Risk Management. - New York. - June 2003 ; p. 26-33Materia / lugar / evento: Gerentes de riesgos Estrategia organizativa Comunicación Liderazgo Estructura organizativa Gerencia de riesgos Secondary titles: Título: Risk Management
Other categories: 7
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