
Personal bias in automobile claims settlement

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Doerpinghaus, Helen
Personal bias in automobile claims settlement / Helen Doerpinghaus, Joan Schmit and Jason Jia-Hsing Yeh
Despite the importance of claims handling practices to consumers and insurers, relatively little research has been done in this area. The purpose here is to consider one aspect of automobile bodily injury liability claims management : the assignment of fault across parties as judged by the insured defendant's claims adjuster
En: The Journal of risk and insurance. - Orlando. - Volume 70, number 2, June 2003 ; p. 185-205
1. Seguro de automóviles . 2. Empresas de seguros . 3. Accidentes de tráfico . 4. Defensa del asegurado . 5. Estadísticas . 6. Reclamaciones . I. Schmit, Joan . II. Jia-Hsing Yeh, Jason . III. Title. IV. Título: The Journal of risk and insurance.