
Impairments of manual tracking performance during spaceflight are associated with specific effects of microgravity on visuomotor transformations

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Impairments of manual tracking performance during spaceflight are associated with specific effects of microgravity on visuomotor transformations / Heuer, Herbert... [et al.]
In contrast to performance in cognitive tasks, tracking performance tends to deteriorate fairly consistently during spaceflight. We address the question whether this decrement results from specific effects of microgravity on motor control or from non specific effects of the other various other stressors present
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 46, nº 9, July 2003 ; p. 920-934
1. Ergonomía . 2. Navegación espacial . 3. Cognición . 4. Gravedad . 5. Movimiento . 6. Cinemática . I. Heurer, Herbert . II. Title. III. Título: Ergonomics.