
Is your innovation process global?

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Santos, José
Is your innovation process global? / José Santos, Yves Doz, Peter Williamson
By sourcing and integrating knowledge from dispersed geographic locations, companies can generate more innovations of higher value and lower cost. But some companies have managed to assemble an integrated "innovation chain" that is truly global, allowing them to outflank competitors that innovate using knowledge in a single cluster. They have been able to implement a process for innovating that transcends local clusters and national boundaries, becoming what we dub "metanational innovators"
En: Sloan management review. - Boulder. - Summer 2004 nº 4 ; p. 31-37
1. Estrategia empresarial . 2. Innovación empresarial . 3. Empresas . 4. Ventaja competitiva . 5. Gestión del conocimiento . I. Doz, Yves . II. Williamson, Peter . III. Title. IV. Título: Sloan management review.