
The Ergonomics of different tyres and tyre pressure during wheelchair propulsion

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Sawatzky, Bonita J.
The Ergonomics of different tyres and tyre pressure during wheelchair propulsion / Bonita J. Sawatzky, Won O. Kim, Ian Denison
It is believed that the newer solid tyres on wheelchairs perform as well as pneumatic tyres along with less cost and time for maintenance. The first part of the study measured the rolling resistance differences of five commonly used wheelchair tyres under four different tyre pressures. The second part measured the oxygen consumption in 15 participants with paraplegia, during wheelchair propulsion, comparing the same four levels of tyre inflation
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 37, nº 14, November 2004 ; p. 1475-1483
1. Sillas . 2. Presión de inflado . 3. Consumo energético . 4. Ergonomía . 5. Estudios . 6. Diseño ergonómico . I. Kim, Won O. . II. Denison, Ian . III. Title. IV. Título: Ergonomics.