
Getting a grip on fall protection : why companies and workers don`t pay more attention to a leading workplace killer

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Gasper, Karen
Getting a grip on fall protection : why companies and workers don`t pay more attention to a leading workplace killer / by Karen Gaspers
Fall are a leading workplace killer, accounting to the latest National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
En: Safety & health. - Itasca. - vol. 170 nº 6, December 2004 ; p. 30-34
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Prevención de accidentes . 3. Accidentes de trabajo . 4. Riesgo laboral . 5. Caídas . 6. Industria de la construcción . 7. Equipos de protección individual . I. Title.