
Collaboration rules

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Evans, Philip
Collaboration rules / Philip Evans and Bob Wolf
Extraordinary group efforts don't have to be miraculous or accidental. An environment designed to produce cheap, plentiful transactions unleashes collaborations that break through organizational barriers. Building vibrant human networks -- Obsession, interaction, and a light touch -- What they know and how they know it -- The power of trust and applause -- Cheap transactions and plenty of them A model for many -- Exploiting the Neglected 80%
En: Harvard Business Review. - Boston. - Vol. 83, nº 7, July-August 2005 ; p. 96-104
1. Linux . 2. Toyota . 3. Liderazgo . 4. Dirección de empresas . 5. Habilidades directivas . 6. Empresas . 7. Desarrollo directivo . 8. Organizaciones . 9. Innovación empresarial . 10. Casos prácticos . I. Wolf, Bob . II. Title.