
Longitudinal changes in critical flicker fusion frequency : an indicator of human workload

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Section: Articles
Title: Longitudinal changes in critical flicker fusion frequency : an indicator of human workload / Anna Luczak and Andrzej SobolewskiAuthor: Luczak, Anna
Notes: The aim of this is to verify a hypothesis that critical flicker fusion frequency (CFFF) is season-related because of changes in the intensity and duration of sunlight. CFFF has a wide application in different fields, generally as an indicator of human workload. Therefore, confirmation of previous observations that CFFF is subjecto to a seasonal rhythm could make theoretical as well as practical senseRelated records: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 48, nº 15, 15 December 2005 ; p. 1770-1792Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Ensayos de sensibilidad Luz solar Fotometría Visibilidad Trabajo físico Estaciones del año Métodos de análisis Otros autores: Sobolewski, Andrzej
Secondary titles: Título: Ergonomics
Other categories: 875