
Enterprise Risk Management : insurer pricing, and capital allocation

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Yow, Shaun
Enterprise Risk Management : insurer pricing, and capital allocation / Shaun Yow and Michael Sherris
For insurers and reinsurers, economic capital has become central to enterprise risk management and is used in financial decision-making including by-line pricing and capital allocation. The value-at-risk (VaR) measure is widely used for determining economic capital. In this paper authors use a shareholder and total firm value maximizing model of an insurer incorporating taxes, agency costs, fianancial distress costs, policyholder preference for financial quality, and by-line price elasticicities
En: . - Trieste, Geneva : The Geneva Association ; New York : International Insurance Society. - February 2007 ; [24] p
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. ERM . 3. Matemática del seguro . 4. Cálculo de la prima . 5. Riesgos intangibles . I. Sherris, Michael . II. Embedded Finance & Super App Strategies . III. International Insurance Society . IV. Title.