MAP20070008575Berz, GerhardThe Earthquake in Central Luzon, Philippines of 16th July 1990 / a report by Gerhard Berz. — München : Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, [1991?][26] h. ; 30 cmSumario: A report on the earthquake in central Luzon, Philippines of 16th July 1990 -- Enclosure 4 contains several particularly interesting earthquake reports from various periodicals and a collection of loss illustrations -- Illustrations for the report on the Philippine earthquake of 16th July 11901. Terremotos. 2. Filipinas. 3. Luzón. 4. Seguro de terremoto. 5. Seguro de riesgos extraordinarios. 6. Catástrofes naturales. I. Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft. II. Title.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signature: 328.1-BER-EAR — Record number: 009597