
Hedging customers

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Section: Articles
Title: Hedging customers / by Ravi Dhar and Rashi GlazerAuthor: Dhar, Ravi
Notes: Customers are individuals and want to be treated as such, which makes the profitability of each hard to predict. Tend to them as solicitously as you wish, but you can manage customers better, and make their collective behavior less difficult to anticipate and plan for, if you think of them as you would stocks in a portfolio. Related records: En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - May 2003 ; p. 86-92Materia / lugar / evento: Dirección de empresas Satisfacción del cliente Servicio al cliente Análisis de riesgos Marketing Fidelización de clientes Otros autores: Glazer, Rashi
Secondary titles: Título: Harvard business review
Other categories: 922.112
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