
The Roal to recovery

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Section: Articles
Title: The Roal to recovery / Vicky FelthamAuthor: Feltham, Vicky
Notes: An emergency is a situation arising from an event or set of circumstances, which threatens or causes serious disruption to life, property, business or the environment. With the introduction of the Civil Contingencies Bill, the definition is set to include threats to political as well as administrative or economic stability. Emergency management is the process of mitigating threats and preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergencyRelated records: En: Fire prevention. - London. - December 2003 ; p. 33-36Materia / lugar / evento: Sistemas de protección contra incendios Seguridad contra incendios Grandes riesgos industriales Gerencia de riesgos Planes de emergencia Other categories: 815.2
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