
Small airways dysfunction among non-smoking shipyard arc welders

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Title: Small airways dysfunction among non-smoking shipyard arc welders / Ulf Hjortsberg, Palle Orbaek, Mans ArboreliusAuthor: Hjortsberg, Ulf
Notes: Sumario: Increased volume of trapped gas (VTG), indicating small airways dysfunction, was found among 14 never smoking non-atopic welders who had worked for 10-31 years in their occupation. To study small airways it measured volume of trapped gas (VTG) in the lung by using the nitrogen wash out techniqueRelated records: En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 6, June 1992 ; p. 441-444Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Epidemiología Enfermedades profesionales Soldadura por arco Enfermedades pulmonares Soldadura Otros autores: Orbaek, Palle
Arborelius, Mans
Secondary titles: Título: British journal of industrial medicine
Other categories: 873