
Strategy and industry effects on profitability : evidence from Greece

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Section: Articles
Title: Strategy and industry effects on profitability : evidence from Greece / Yiannis E. Spanos, George Zaralis and Spyros LioukasAuthor: Spanos, Yiannis E.
Notes: The present study examines the impact of firm and industry-specific factors on profitability, using census data on Greek manufacturing. At the firm level, paticular attention is given to strategy effects. Based on a modification of Porter's typology, these effects are capture throught different forms of both 'pure' and 'hybrid' strategies. Industry effects are represented using industry concentration, entry barries, and growthRelated records: En: Strategic management journal. - Chichester [etc.] : Wiley. - Vol. 25, nº 2, February 2004 ; p. 139-165Materia / lugar / evento: Competitividad Estrategia empresarial Estructura empresarial Rentabilidad Crecimiento económico Grecia Otros autores: Zaralis, George
Lioukas, Spyros
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