
Cost-utility analysis of hepatitis a prevention among health-care workers in Israel

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Section: Articles
Title: Cost-utility analysis of hepatitis a prevention among health-care workers in Israel / Gabriel Chodick...[et al]
Notes: This study was conduced to evaluate the efficiency of different strategies of preventing hepatitis A among the physicians, nurses, and paramedical staff by means of cost-effectiveness analysis.Related records: En: Journal of occupational health and environmental medicine. - Towson, MD. - Vol. 44, nº 2, February 2002 ; p. 109-115Materia / lugar / evento: Hepatitis A Israel Estadísticas Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Prevención de riesgos Medicina preventiva Personal sanitario Enfermedades infecciosas Otros autores: Chodick, Gabriel
Secondary titles: Título: Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
Other categories: 873