
The Activation of mechanisms linking judgements of work design and management with musculoskeletal pain

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Section: Articles
Title: The Activation of mechanisms linking judgements of work design and management with musculoskeletal pain / Raymond Randall, Amanda Griffiths, Tom CoxAuthor: Randall, Raymond
Notes: The report of work-related musculoskeletal pain may be related to worker evaluations of the design and management of work through two mechanisms: one biomechanical and the other stress-related. This study of engineering workers explored the validity of these mechanisms using sequential logistic regressionRelated records: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 45, nº 1, January 2002 ; p. 13-31Materia / lugar / evento: Estudios Lesiones musculares Diseño del trabajo Estrés Otros autores: Griffiths, Amanda
Cox, Tom
Secondary titles: Título: Ergonomics
Other categories: 875