
Concentración of cadmium in rice and urinary indacators of renal dysfunction

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Title: Concentración of cadmium in rice and urinary indacators of renal dysfunction / Koichi Nakashima... [et al.]
Notes: Sumario: Because rice is the main source of cadmium intake in Japan, and inhabitants in areas polluted by cadmium obtained two thirds to a half of all cadmium (Cd) consumed from rice, the maximum allowable concentration of Cd in rice must be determined to protect the inhabitants from the adverse health effects of exposure to Cd. The relation between concentrations of Cd in rice and the prevalence of abnormal urinary findings should be established to obtain the maximum allowable concentration. In the present study the authors examined the relations between the mean concentration of Cd in rice and urinary substances, and the prevalence of abnormalities in urine in the areas polluted by Cd in the Kakehashi River basin in Ishikawa Prefecture. The maximum allowable concentration of Cd in rice was then calculatedRelated records: En: Occupational and environmental medicine. - London and Margate. - Vol. 54, nº 10, October 1997 ; p. 750-755Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Cadmio Arroz Valores TLV Enfermedades renales Análisis clínicos Orina Japón Otros autores: Nakashima, Koichi
Secondary titles: Título: Occupational and environmental medicine
Other categories: 873