
How to create a plant fire brigade

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Section: Articles
Title: How to create a plant fire brigade / Charles N. HarperAuthor: Harper, Charles N.
Notes: Sumario: In an emergency, minutes count before the local fire department can arrive. A brigade, formed of knowledgeable employees, can be cost-effective in its operation. This article reports the planning phase; organizing the team; duties, responsabilities; equipment needs; training, developmentRelated records: En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol, 121, nº 6, June 1980 ; p. 61-66Materia / lugar / evento: Seguridad contra incendios Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo Brigadas contra incendios Organización de la seguridad Brigadas de seguridad Prevención de accidentes Formación Planes de emergencia Riesgo laboral Equipos de protección contra incendios Secondary titles: Título: National safety news
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