
Text entry on handheld computers by older users

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Section: Articles
Title: Text entry on handheld computers by older users / Patricia Wright..[et al]
Notes: Small pocket computers offer great potential in workplaces where mobility is needed to collect data or access reference information while carrying out tasks such as maintenance or customer support. The article reports on three studies examinig the hypothesis that data entry by older workers is easier when the pocket computer has a physical keyboard, albeit a small one, rather than a touch-screen keyboardRelated records: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 43, nº 6, June 2000 ; p. 702-716Materia / lugar / evento: Ordenadores Archivos de ordenador Protección de datos Movilidad laboral Trabajadores Investigación científica Otros autores: Wright, Patricia
Secondary titles: Título: Ergonomics
Other categories: 875