
Hedding climate change : how insurers can manage the risk of increasing natural catastrophes

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Section: Electronic documents
Title: Hedding climate change : how insurers can manage the risk of increasing natural catastrophes / Helmut KestingAuthor: Kesting, Helmut
Publication: Munich : Allianz SE, 2007Notes: Sumario: Natural catastrohes in the grip of climate change -- Natural catastrophes on the march -- Future insurance potential in natural catastrophes -- Catastrophe rik in important markets is heavily under-insured -- Are catastrophe risks capable of being efficently insured? -- Path to the futureMateria / lugar / evento: Seguro de riesgos extraordinarios Catástrofes naturales Cambio climático Gerencia de riesgos Otros autores: Allianz Dresdner Economic Research
Other categories: 328.1