
Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2020

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Section: Electronic documents
Title: Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2020 / published by Mercer, in collaboration with CFA Institute, who provides some of the funding, and the Monash Centre for Financial Studies. Financial support is also provided by The Finnish Centre for Pensions
Publication: Melbourne : Mercer : CFA Institute, 2020Physical description: 91 p.Notes: Sumario: The provision of financial security in retirement is critical for both individuals and societies as most countries are now grappling with the social, economic and financial effects of ageing populations. During 2020 these issues have been accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is further discussed in Chapter 4. But is not only COVID-19 and ageing populations that represent challenges for pension systems around the world. The current economic environment with historically low interest rates, an economic recession in many countries and reduced investment returns are placing additional financial pressures on existing retirement income systems.Materia / lugar / evento: Jubilación Sistemas de pensiones Impacto económico Envejecimiento de la población Recesión económica Índices Longevidad COVID-19 Pandemias Otros autores: Mercer LLC
CFA Institute
Monash University
Other categories: 40