
Longevity trend in Germany

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Section: Articles
Title: Longevity trend in GermanyAuthor: Reitzner, Matthias
Notes: Sumario: In Germany, a trend for decreasing mortality probabilities has been observed in the last 50 years, yielding an increasing life expectancy. The German Actuarial Association DAV offers a standard method for modeling this longevity trend in calculations concerning life insurance by using the life table DAV 2004R. In this note it is investigated, whether or to which extent the longevity function of the DAV 2004R can be used for calculating the expected total number of deaths in GermanyRelated records: En: European Actuarial Journal. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021-2022. - 15/08/2024 Volumen 14 - Número 2 - agosto 2024 , p. 685-696Materia / lugar / evento: Longevidad Mortalidad Esperanza de vida Seguro de vida Análisis actuarial Alemania Other categories: 341
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