
The Discriminating (pricing) actuary

Section: Articles
Title: The Discriminating (pricing) actuary / Edward W. (Jed) Frees, Fei HuangAuthor: Frees, Edward W.
Notes: Sumario: The insurance industry is built on risk classification, grouping insureds into homogeneous classes. Through actions such as underwriting, pricing, and so forth, it differentiates, or discriminates, among insureds. Actuaries have responsibility for pricing insurance risk transfers and are intimately involved in other aspects of company actions and so have a keen interest in whether or not discrimination is appropriate from both company and societal viewpoints. This article reviews social and economic principles that can be used to assess the appropriateness of insurance discrimination. Discrimination issues vary by the line of insurance business and by the country and legal jurisdiction. This article examines social and economic principles from the vantage of a specific line of business and jurisdiction; these vantage points provide insights into principles. To sharpen understanding of the social and economic principles, this article also describes discrimination considerations for prohibitions based on diagnosis of COVID19, the pandemic that swept the globe in 2020Related records: En: North American actuarial journal. - Schaumburg : Society of Actuaries, 1997- = ISSN 1092-0277. - 06/03/2023 Tomo 27 Número 1 - 2023 , p. 2-24Materia / lugar / evento: Discriminación Cálculo actuarial Transferencia de riesgos Clasificación de riesgos Aspectos socio-económicos Otros autores: Huang, Fei
Other categories: 6
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