
Effect of work station desing on sitting posture in young children

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Section: Articles
Title: Effect of work station desing on sitting posture in young children / M. Marschall, A.C. Harrington and J.R. SteeleAuthor: Marschall, M.
Notes: Sumario: The aim was to examine the effects of work station design on neuromuscular activation patterns of select postural muscles, sitting posture, tracing performance and subjective preference in a group of young children. Based on the literature less muscle activity, superior trace performance, subjective preference, and a sitting posture that approached Keegan's normal posture while sitting in the ergonomic work station compared with the traditional work station was hypothesizedRelated records: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 38, nº 9, September, 1995 ; p. 1932-1940Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Mobiliario Escuelas Asientos Postura Diseño Niños Otros autores: Harrington, A.C.
Steele, J.R.
Secondary titles: Título: Ergonomics
Other categories: 875