
Ranking safety : an application of MCDA techniques to safety auditing results, for risk prediction and reduction in hazardous activities

Ranking safety : an application of MCDA techniques to safety auditing results, for risk prediction and reduction in hazardous activities
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Section: AGERS
Title: Ranking safety : an application of MCDA techniques to safety auditing results, for risk prediction and reduction in hazardous activities / G. BattistellaAuthor: Battistella, G.
Publication: Liège : EURO : University of Liège, 1994Physical description: 1 p. ; 30 cmNotes: Donación de AGERSPonencia presentada en "Risk management : 4th mini Euro-Conference : A meeting place for indutries companies and universities", celebrada em Liège, 4 al 6 mayo de 1994, organizada por the European Association of Operational Research Societies y University of LiègeSumario: The present paper concerns the aplication of computational methods to extrapolate the results of safety auditing performed in hazardous activities. A safety-oriented apprroach is based on the experience of the analysis of the major accidents historically happened. In this approach the addoption , implementation and evaluation of a process safety management system, covering the hazardous plant lifecycle, is a correct preventive methodology. In this aim, an efficient monitoring of the process safety management systems adopted is given by safety auditing performance based on integrated review techniquesMateria / lugar / evento: Gerencia de riesgos Prevención de riesgos Reducción de riesgos Aplicaciones informáticas Conferencias Predicciones Auditoría de seguridad Documento AGERS Otros autores: European Association of Operational Research Societies
University of Liège
Mini Euro-Conference (4th: 1994: Liège)
Other categories: 7