
4 Search results

Search completed: Desiata, Alfonso

Comments on Stephen Ross's Paper on "Financial Regulation for the New Millennium"

  • En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 01/01/2001 Número 1 26 2001
  • Articles and Chapters

New frontiers of security for banks and insurance companies

  • Desiata, Alfonso
  • En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 01/01/1996 Tomo 21 Número 1 - 1996
  • Articles and Chapters

The European Currency Unit (ECU) and the insurance sector

  • Desiata, Alfonso
  • En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 01/04/1985 Tomo 10 Número 2 - 1985
  • Articles and Chapters

L'Assurance Italienne et l'actuel régime de restrictions des changes

  • Desiata, Alfonso
  • En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 02/07/1984 Tomo 9 Número 3 - 1984
  • Articles and Chapters