
Risk estimation and value-of-information analysis for three proposed genetic screening programs for chronic berylum pevention

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Section: Articles
Title: Risk estimation and value-of-information analysis for three proposed genetic screening programs for chronic berylum pevention / Scott M. Bartell... [et al.]
Notes: Sumario: Background -- Methods -- CBD risk model -- Glu 69 VOI model -- Characterization of input variables -- Results -- Other risk management options -- Social implications and ethis of genetic screenig -- Data needs and suggestionsfor future research -- Appendix: Estimation of positive and negative predictive values from sensitivy and speceficiti rates -- RefeencesRelated records: En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 20, nº 1, Februaryl, 2000 ; p. 87-99Materia / lugar / evento: Salud Análisis de datos Análisis de riesgos Biología Genética Higiene industrial Enfermedades profesionales Métodos de evaluación Epidemiología Métodos de análisis Otros autores: Ponce, Rafael A.
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