
A Year of catastrophes : Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Section: Articles
Title: A Year of catastrophes : Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous / Andrew HitchingsAuthor: Hitchings, Andrew
Notes: Sumario: 2011 has seen a series of serious natural catastrophes follow fast on those of 2010. How will this shape debate next week at Monte Carlo?Related records: En: Post magazine : the insurance world covered since 1840. - London : Incisive Financial Publishing Ltd., 2005-2016. - 08/09/2011 Número September 8 - 2011 , p. 32-33Materia / lugar / evento: Catástrofes naturales Mercado de seguros Mercado de reaseguros Otros autores: Rendez-Vous de Septembre (2011: Montecarlo)
Other categories: 219
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