
European Journal of Ageing : social, behavioural and health perspectives-Volumen 19 Número 2 - 2022

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Publication: European Journal of Ageing : social, behavioural and health perspectives

Number: Volumen 19 Número 2 - 2022

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages Contents
Changes in socioeconomic differentials in old age life expectancy in four Nordic countries : the impact of educational expansion and education-specific mortality p. 161-173
A Social exclusion perspective on loneliness in older adults in the Nordic countries p. 175-188
The Influence of sociodemographic factors and close relatives at hospital discharge and post hospital care of older people with complex care needs : nurses' perceptions on health inequity in three Nordic cities p. 189-200
Revisiting the Nordic long-term care model for older people-still equal? p. 201-210
Choice models in Nordic long-term care : care managers' experiences of privilege and disadvantage among older adults p. 211-220
Health system reforms and the needs of the ageing population-an analysis of recent policy paths and reform trends in Finland and Sweden p. 221-232
The Association between supportive social ties and autonomic nervous system function-differences between family ties and friendship ties in a cohort of older adults p. 263-276
Cognitive and non-cognitive variables influencing age-related effect of mind wandering across the adult life span p. 277-292