
The Review : worldwide reinsurance-Número 8 136 2004

Publication: The Review : worldwide reinsurance

Number: Número 8 136 2004

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages
Celebrating success : the eleventh annual Review Worldwide reinsurance Awards saw Hannover Re proclaimed Reinsurance Company of the Year for a third time
Drafting directives : Guy Soussan explains the possible implications of the new draft directive on reinsurance in time for the upcoming renewals season
Captives : captives are proving an increasingly popular way to cede risk, even though most companies are not keen to be seen putting money in dubious schemes offshore
Luxembourg market : Luxembourg's size belies its importance as an onshore/offshore jurisdiction for those seeking a discreet and friendly location for investment
Munich Re : Nikolaus von Bomhard has already made his mark on the world's largest reinsurer and his reforms are reaping promising results
Converium is facing a tough test after a ratings downgrade and an announcement that it had to raise capital and increase reserves
EU life reinsurance : current EU proposals threaten the economic viability of the industry in the long term. But, says Greg Dobie, the life reinsurance industry on the continent is fighting back
Germany : reinsurance business for broker is on the increase in Germany but opinions differ on how much of an influence this has had
Property Catastrophe : natural catastrophe accumulation control is a veritable challenge in the Caribbean. Kai Morgenstern points out the inherent difficulties
Baden-Baden preview : predicting the discussions in Baden-Baden from talk at the Café de Paris a few weeks earlier is always difficult, says Jason Groves. But this year, security and market discipline are likely to be the privotal points in the wake of...