
Best's Review-Número 3 106 2005


Publication: Best's Review

Number: Número 3 106 2005

Type: Normal

Rights: InC

Title Author Pages
Recruiting centers : quality marketing tools remain key to recruiting and retaining successful insurance sales professionals
Raid on the competition : agencies readily admit they recruit good producers from competitors as the talent pool shrinks
On the benefits fringe : legislation designed to help small businesses provide affordable health insurance has detractors who say it will cause more problems than it could solve
Back to basics : after experiencing huge losses and court battles, Aetna is rebounding by focusing on customer service, prompt claims payments and mending relationships with physicians
Two for one : some people won't buy long-term-care insurance because they may never need it. For them, a life policy that accelerates the death benefit for LTC payments may be an alternative
Top Life writers by admitted assets, United States-2004
Top U.S. Life/Health companies contact information
The Governance gap : Governance improvements are incomplete without effective controls over all the business risks a life insurer faces
Post-retirement riddle : insurers are missing an opportunity to expand their current focus on growing savings to include managing income during retirement
On the storm front : although Florida's neighboring states have suffered a fair share of hits, none has established a hurricane catastrophe fund
Net premiums written, top Property/Casualty writers, United States-2004
Top U.S. Property/Casualty companies contact information
85 A personal response : homeowners insurers are adding identity theft coverage to policies
An explosive end : the days when commercial insurance could operate out of public view are over
Maintaining a safety net : there's growing trend in the use of predictive analytics as an answer to intensifying competition
Rewards and risk : simple criteria can identify a corporate culture that focuses on risk as well as return
Capitalizing on captives : domiciles for what may be the quietest, cleanest and least-visible industry are spreading through the United States
Is it or isn't it? : recent court cases are exploring the definition of advertising on the uncharted terrain of the Internet
It's theoretical : a ruling holds that the period of restoriation is the time that it should take to rebuild
Hungry hedge funds : known for employing unusual and creative types of investments in their quest for profitability, hedge funds have set their sights on reinsurance
Calls for a cure : with flexible schedules and ergonomic accommodations, companies can curb high absenteeism at their call centers
An evolutionary process : envolving CIO leadership requirements combine business strategy and technology savvy to drive growth and innovation
4 Online selling myths : people who shop for insurance online like agents, too