
Inquiry insights : China interest, Q4 2007

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Daley, Ellen
Inquiry insights : China interest, Q4 2007 / by Ellen Daley and Chris Townsend with April Lawson. — Cambridge : Forrester Research, 2007
(For Strategy proffesionals)
Sumario: Tech vendors have been reluctant to enter China as a marketplace for their products and services. There is a good reason for this: Chinas tech market has been a relative backwater compared with other, more developed industries like manufacturing and consumer packaged goods. However, Forrester client inquiries on the tech industry in China reveal that the story is changing: Interest in establishing or expanding China operations is growing in firms across a variety of industries especially retail, distribution, and real estate. This spells opportunity for tech vendors that can help enable this growth. Forrester client inquiries cluster around two key areas: enterprise IT expansion into China and eCommerce in China
1. Empresas tecnológicas . 2. Comercio electrónico . 3. Mercados emergentes . 4. Globalización de la economía . 5. Internet . 6. China . I. Forrester . II. For Strategy proffesionals . III. Título.