
A Review of accidents and injuries to road transport drivers

A Review of accidents and injuries to road transport drivers / Sarah Copsey... [et al.]. — Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2010
(Working environment information)
Sumario: Introduction: objective of this report -- Introduction to the overall topic -- Occupational transport accidents on the road -- Accidents in cargo and vehicle handling (occupational transport accidents on site) -- Occupational transport accidents and psychological factors -- Managing health and safety and promoting a safety culture -- Conclusions -- Table giving overview of accidents reports -- References and bibliography
ISBN 978-92-9191-355-8
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Seguridad vial . 3. Accidentes de trabajo . 4. Accidentes de tráfico . 5. Transporte de mercancías por carretera . 6. Conductores profesionales . 7. Seguridad en el transporte . 8. Unión Europea . I. Copsey, Sarah . II. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work .