
Special report : captive risk

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Special report : captive risk
Sumario: Pressure on to make captives work harder: There are a large number of inactive captives around the world, but regulatory pressure and hardening markets are set to prompt owners to reactivate their self-insurance vehides -- Preparing for the fallout of Solvency II: With the Omnibus II vote delayed, uncertainty reigns asto how forthcoming EU regulations wiU affect the captive industry -- Look to the east for a captive: They may still be in their infancy but a growing number of captive domiciles are serving the BRIC economies
En: Strategic risk. - Southhall : NewsQuest, 2005-2012. - 03/09/2012 Número 80 - septiembre 2012 , p. 34-37
1. Compañías cautivas . 2. Mercado de seguros . 3. Análisis de riesgos . 4. Gerencia de riesgos . 5. Solvencia II . 6. Países del Este . 7. Países emergentes .