
Long-term care and health care insurance in OECD and other countries

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Long-term care and health care insurance in OECD and other countries. — Paris : OECD, 2020
36 p.
Sumario: Ageing is affecting many OECD countries, and as the demographic change progresses, governments will be challenged to identify financially sustainable ways to support the care of the ageing population. This is particularly important for long-term care and health care, as increasing expenditures may become financially unsustainable for many countries while compromising on care options is rarely realistic. Many countries are or will struggle with how to reform their care system to bring these costs under control, while ensuring that those in need can access the necessary care of quality. This report carries out a stocktaking of what systems have in OECD and non-OECD countries for longterm care and health care, as well as the types of insurance products that are made available in these countries. It is part of a broader project that examines the complementarity of the social security network with the private insurance market, which examines how insurance could support the public sector longterm care and health care systems, as well as considering the financing of long-term care and health care
1. Seguro de salud . 2. Envejecimiento de la población . 3. Atención sociosanitaria . 4. Sistemas sanitarios . 5. Mercado de seguros . 6. Productos de seguros . 7. Seguros privados . I. OECD . II. Título.