
The Atlas of economic complexity

Sección: Enlaces Web
Título: The Atlas of economic complexity / Harvard's Growth Lab at the Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University
Publicación: Harvard : University of HarvardContiene: The Atlas of Economic Complexity is a powerful data visualization tool that allows people to explore global trade flows across markets, track these dynamics over time and discover new growth opportunities for every country. The Atlas places the industrial capabilities and knowhow of a country at the heart of its growth prospects, where the diversity and complexity of existing capabilities heavily influence how growth happens. Harvard's Growth Lab at the Center for International Development (CID) at Harvard University works to understand the dynamics of growth and to translate those insights into more effective policymaking in developing countries. It places increased economic diversity and complexity at the center of the development story and uncovers how countries move into industries that offer increased productivity. The original online Atlas was launched as a companion tool to the book, The Atlas of Economic Complexity: Mapping paths to Prosperity. Since then, the online Atlas has been significantly enhanced with new features, refreshed visualizations and updated, more accurate datasets. The Atlas is used worldwide by policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, academics and the general public as an important resource for understanding a country's economic structureMateria / lugar / evento: Datos macroeconómicos Transacciones comerciales Desarrollo económico Globalización de la economía Estructura económica internacional Atlas Otros autores: Harvard University . The Center for International Development (CID). Harvard's Growth Lab
Otras clasificaciones: 921
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