
What's on the minds of global life insurance executives : responding to the moment, looking to the future

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<title>What's on the minds of global life insurance executives</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">As COVID-19 spread around the globe, life insurers quickly adapted. Client interactions became virtual, sales processesbecame more digital, and operations leaned on automated workflow and collaboration tools to respond to the needs of  customers and their advisors. But the pandemic also exposedthe existing weaknesses and inflexibility of many processes and systems, while persistent low interest rates continued to squeeze spread-based businesses. Life insurance leaders are rising to thechallenge. Many are taking bold actions to improve customer and advisor journeys, simplify and automate operations, and accelerate the pace of innovation to meet the demands of a fast-changing market.The 2021 edition of the biennial global executive study by LIMRA and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) provides insights into the highest priorities of life insurance leaders as they tackle today's challenges and embrace emerging opportunities. Technology emerged as the top challenge, giving it notably higher priority than in our 2019 survey (Figure 1). Other top challenges, like low interest rates and regulation, reflect the significant headwinds facing the industry and amplify the need to manage risks in the current environment (see Sidebar 1). Additional priorities, such as growth and new ways of working, demonstrate how insurers are preparing for a future in which they move faster and are more responsive to customer, advisor, and employee needs.</abstract>
<note type="statement of responsibility">Rob Sims... [et.al]</note>
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